Slum Environment and Sanitation Initiative-Gwalior
Gwalior is located at 26.22° N 78.18° E. It has an average elevation of 197 metres (646 feet). Gwalior is a historical Indian city - is located on the periphery of Madhya Pradesh State, 321 km (199.5 Miles) from Delhi and 121 km (76 Miles) from Agra.
Art and culture
Gwalior is known as the city of Sindia. Fort, palaces, museums and Victorian architecture distinguish its look. A forward looking state took help of Engineers for its municipal infrastructure-Well laid sewer lines, water reservoir and filtration plant and good network of roads and lanes with adequate lightening. It was for about 50,000 people that municipal services were put in place.
Then the population ballooned People migrated in from other regions. Unorganized habitation came up all over. Roads narrowed from encroachments by shop owners. Traffic congestion increased. Municipal services started failing in meeting the growing needs.
Slums- Definition of slum is vague. These are group of families deprived of basic civic amenities and belong to poor economic level. Over the period of several decades, some old slums have been replaced by prosperous people and general conditions have improved. Some of these are waiting to be denotified.
Wards are 60 and notified slums are 149.
It was planned to cover 5000 households on pilot basis. Learnings from this project were to be incorporated in covering other slum population. It was supported by Water Aid India and UNHabitat. The Gwalior Municipal Corporation and Sambhav, a local partner of Water Aid were the implementers. Project duration was two and a half year. It started in September 2005 and will end by March 2008.
Poverty Pocket Situational Analysis- It was decided to carry out a city wide PPSA to take in all poverty pockets. In incorporated notified and non notified slums as per the list of GMC. The pursuit involved multistake holder participation. Volunteers from Sambhav, the field level staff of GMC and the councilors were part of it.Several focus group discussions were organizrd in each poverty pockets. It helped in creating interest among the community members in addition to collection of information. The information was collected using participatory tools like social and infrastructure mapping. Community toilet, houses with individual toilet, sewer line and garbage collection points were plotted in maps. Community members enjoy taking the complete responsibility of information collection. Information discrepancy is corrected through cross corrections. For taking of any confusion with GMC data, the field staff was present invariably. Along with participatory exercise, a format was also used for slum profiling.
The format took in to account the infrastructure deficiency of water, sanitation, road, drainage, sewer line, electricity supply, status of community toilets (if applicable). During this excursive 80 new poverty pockets were added to the slum list of GMC.
Data was computerized and GIS maps were also prepared. Two Students from Dutch University helped in GIS mapping of the data. GMC was quite impressed the process and quality of data produced. To our pleasant surprise we realized that GMC and all other agencies were using this information as basis for their planning and understanding the slum situations of Gwalior. Criteria of water and sanitation were used for basis of selection of 5000 households. Sixteen slums were identified through this process. (See Gwalior Map)
Planning for interventions-Water Aid and UNH had prepared a proposal. It was to be jointly implemented by GMC and Sambhav. WA was to provide support for visioning of the plan and training inputs in addition to funds. UNH brought the NGO and GMC together by holding repeated meetings and events. The plan had two sets of proposed activities. One for GMC and other for Sambhav.
Guiding principles for the program were that it must be demand driven, community managed, financial contribution from those who can; local councilor and GMC participate in decision making. Core components of the initiatives were water, sanitation for all. To make a community open defecation free.
After selection of the slums, house to house baseline survey was undertaken. Combined with slum profile, the survey data was used for understanding the current status of household toilets and access to water, sewer and other services at house hold level. Time spent on PPSA, Base line data collection, motivating women and other groups keep GMC and Councilor informed and involved in fist phase demanded significant time, energy and resources. Though the project had enormous data, but in practice only a limited use of data was made. Once the project activities began the pace was too hectic that hardly any time was left for reflection and revisiting the data. May at the end of project and end line comparison will be taken up. It laid a strong foundation for next level of activities. Plans were prepared for each slum. Sambhav’s belief in mobilization of women is very strong. That is the first and foremost for success.
Gwalior has been experiencing low rain fall for last several years. Some pockets have to depend on tanker water supply. Pressure of water supply goes down in most pockets. Supply of water varies from one to three hours from alternate to two days in a week. Political compulsions force to irrational sinking of bore wells. Many have gone dry and others are becoming defunct soon enough. Everybody is worried about water. Increasing demand and low performing water systems complicate the situation. One official version of the water scarcity on water scarcity is losses of caused by leakages, theft and wastage by public. Their estimate of water loss is about 40%. Water tables are falling dangerously low in the region. Alarm bells are ringing. Public out cry and quick fix approach leads to hysteria of drilling more bore wells. No plans for water recharge are in sight. Unplanned expansion of city boundaries and growing population congestion in the slums are posing serious threats to the resources.
Sambhav with its background in women SHG and community mobilization spent plenty of time in formation of groups and developing a sense of ownership of the process. As part of project each slum was required to have its CBO. It was hoped that the institutions of SHG and CBOs will take charge of project right from the start. CBOs were registered as societies to become partner with GMC in ongoing efforts in slum up gradation. While Women SHGs have become very active. These CBOs will require further inputs to play their role effectively. The reason for SHG growth are several such as the very nature of SHG in women empowerment and saving and credit activities. An added dimension to this mainstreaming of SHG is the Micro finance program of Sambhav Interesting aspect of the microfinance is loan taken for house up gradation with toilet and bathing facilities.
Sanitation-Open defecation free was the mantra to measure the success. Each household with no toilets facility were visited by the women group with project animator to persuade for toilet construction.Though most agreed with the need, but one or other reason was given for not doing so.Cost was one, space and ware etc were chief. Cost of toilet was calculated and other inputs were also taken in to account.Some families showed interest but initial inertia was yet to cross. The group proposed to provide the mason and supervision support if they buy the materail.Material was also proposed to be stocked in one houe for easy availability.While this was going on, a theatre group was performing for awareness generation. Wall paintings, informal interaction at family and small group level and children rallies helped in influencing the opinion in favour of toilet construction. Group discussions helped in wealth and preparedness ranking of the community.It does not take long to learn that caste, religion and muscle and money forces are present everywhere.Political divisions and string pullers are always there to make our work more spicy and colourful.The project has budget for some households. It was agreed that this fund should to excluded group of people, families with differntially challenged persons, elderly persons and persons suffering from chronic illness and women headed house holds. There were always some slum dons who will like to influence the process.It was not possible to ignore them.Repeated meetings and women group pressure helped in managing these forces.No amount law, police and external agencies can handle these pressures. Only the local groups and consultation help. At the end of project five of the slums were ODF slums. One factor that has crucial role is the sewer line.GMC cleared the long time choked sewer line and also constructed new lines.
Community Toilets-In every slum there were families with no space for HHT. Some of these are located in the neighborhood of markets, railway stations and bustards. Here outsiders use the slums for defecating and urinating. Community toilets help in dealing with such situations. Gwalior had 135 CTs. Eighty were in miserable conditions due to lack of maintenance. Water Aid has supported CT program in Trichy. It has become a learning place for people who want to engage themselves in CT promotion. It was proposed that four CT will be constructed as model. Community groups were to be prepared to take management in their hands. Laxmanpura, Amrapahad, Nooranj and Jatavpura were shorlisted. Noorganj and Laxmanpura were old and unusable CT.Plan of rennovation became convetred in to constructing completely new structures. We had a piece of land with sewer, water, and electricity lines. Some part of land was encroached by the neighbors. It took several weeks to create a group of persons who were enthusiastic to manage the CT. For better understanding of the functioning some community members and councilors were taken to Trichy. It was very informative visit. Interface with local women filled them with confidence and hope. If they can do we can also. Sambhav had no previous experience in community managed toilets. It infact, had no experience whatsoever in urban sanitation before this program.GMC helped in sorting local issues of ownership and getting their staff available for helping in numerous cropping up problems. The Water Aid model of community toilet was in reality Sanitation complex. It is an integrated approach for providing services of toilets, bathing,urinal, child friendly toilets and disposal unit for sanitory napkins. Toilets for people with disbaility for men and women are also included.Before a CT was considered, a list of Households with no toilets was arranged.Each was visited and invited for the discussion on CT and its sustainability. Commitments were taken for payment for services. After series of discussions general consensus was develped. Some people never agreed. Some even refused to allow the construction since it was asking for vacation of some land encroched by them.Political parties also came in for influencing the organization. GMC did not want to get into any serious confrontation. Evntually the women and community group helped in reconciliation. Generally councilors were not very keen at the start.Probably they did not hope that any thing would actually happen. They kept away inititally. As the community memebrs were getting organized and women groups were being mobilized through frequent meetings and activities, the councilors took interested.
There was movement at all level.Mayor was keen. The GMC Commissioner was taking interest. Above all the GMC senior staff was very positive. UNH officials at Bhopal and WA Bhopal office were using their capacity to make it happen.Sambhav has freedom in planning. It went with the pace of community. The design of the CT was prepared by an architector.Size of land was a major contraint.In an area of32x22Ft.Above discription of services to be fit in keeping in mind the aspects of ventillation,light and aesthetic angles.Establishing a mathematical relationship between users and facilities. Thus it was clear that compromises have to be made.Construction of two strories was not even considered.We were also fighting among ourselves the fear of failure.Used to free services, paid services had to be accepted by the communities. The number of user also had to be sufficient to generate resources for paying for care taker, maintenenace.No fund was created for daily mainteance issues.Our calculations were merely for the salary of the care taker.It was thought that 1500 would be collected. It is running in deficit of two to three hundred rupees every month. The present expenses do not take into account the water and electiricty. GMC has agreed to provide them free for first two years. The CT management would run in to problems after that phase. Some efforts are being made to increase the users.
Each slum has its problems. Jatavpura is unique in several aspects.
A Basti of Dalits,very organized and willing to contribute in everything . It is sitting on dry zone.Upto sevenhundred feet no underground water has been found.Only hope for them is water lines from some water point. It may happen some day, there is no hope in near future.Only water supply is through a seasonal well.It dries out in summer if rains have been moderate. It runs dry quicker if rains are scares. Water tankers are sent for drinking water.It is completely open defecating community.Finding land for community toilet and getting its possession was a task which will demand a RD book size for complete writeup.Community was hopeful that one more borewell drill will find water.Sambhav was hesitant that it was a waste of time and money.The local councilor heard them and sent a rig for drill. No water again.GMC and Councilor have given written commitments that Water will be provided by them initially by Tankers and then pipe line in future.With that assurance,Toilet construction work has begun. Architect has been hired for design.This is one community which is deprived of everything i.e. drinking water,household toilets, and road.
Women Empowerment and adolescent Health initiatives-
After six months of dialogue with women, several have emereged as leaders.Informal groups came up and took dynamic interest in the issues of working with governance, in demand raising,resolution of problems. The project held series of programs for their awareness and increasing participation in decision making.Subject of personal hygiene was introduced among adolescent and adult women for promotion of use and disposal of sanitary napkins.Project made available low cost napkins for encouraging them to start their use..
Women Group formation and leadership development is also central from the angle of sustainability. Once the groups learns how to put forth force for their demands, they maintain playing fundamental roles beyond the project period. In many places women have taken central role as a result of her enhanced self esteem and significance. It has consistently worked that way. It also addresses the issue of gender participation in community decision making.Saving and credit activity provides opportunity for day to day association and regular meetings.This endeavor is growing in all the slums.
· Strong women organization is essential for Integrated slum upgradation
· Involvement of Municipal Corporation is must
· Councilors should be taken in to confidence
· Toilet, water, sewer and garbage disposal should be seen a package
· Financial contribution of the household is crucial for ownership
· Ulra poor and excluded, disableds and children require special focus and support
· Exposure, training and emonstration help in take off the program
· Sound technological support is vital.
· Community Interaction with Municipal Corporation is essentail for different services.
Major Achievements of the project as a Result of joint efforts of GMC and Sambhav
1. Sanitation Blocks in six schools
2. Community Toilets-6
3. Women SHG-54
4. CBO-16
5. Household Toilets-800
6. Provision of Water Points-5
7. Sewer Line in 3 slums
8. Old number Slums 149 after PPSA 229
9. Roof Top Harvesting Institutiona-6 ,House Hold 30
10. Aarti Gas-6
11. Wormi Compost-4
12. Garbage collection-door to door(GMC)
13. OD Free slums-5
14. Garbage segregation at Community level-Jatavpura
Prime movers of the project are Wateraid India Bhopal, and UNH,Bhopal. Names of some distinguished persons are essential to mention.It has been due to their unreserved support that SESI has been able to meet its objectives. Mr,Vivek Narain Shejwalker, Mayor Gwalior, Dr.Pavan Shukla, Commissioner Nagar Nigam Gwalior and Mr.K.K.Shrivasta , EE PHE, Mr.Annirudhe Mukherjee, Director, MP Chapter UNH. Ms Mamita Bora Thakkar,Regional Manager and other colleagues at Water Aid Bhopal and Delhi.
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